Stealing Wireless?

While scanning for available networks and you come across one-which can be your neighbors, perhaps it has not been secured. You may be tempted to use it since it is free, but if you do so without permission, it is prosecutable. It is just the same as walking into someone's house just because their door was left open. You may think it is not stealing, but it is considered so under the law. People have been charged under the Communications Act 2003 for "dishonestly obtaining an electronics communication service" by connecting to connect to private Wifi networks. Fines included the PC being confiscated and 12-month discharge.

Although you do not appear to be doing anything malicious, like stealing your neighbor's data or personal details, but you may be making the owner of the network pay an ISP for the amount of data used. The law could decide that you have 'deprived the owner' off data.

What you can do:
-Inform your neighbor about the dangers they may face
-Teach them how to put a secure password in their wireless network



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