The Lost Ring

The Lost Ring, a game created by McDonald's is an enigmatic Olympic-themed online game released early March. Ten characters provide clues via YouTube videos, blogs, Flickr photos and Twitter updates. Online clues are supplemented by offline ones: last week, players found documents in a Tokyo mailbox and a bookstore fireplace in Johannesburg.

The game began with 50 bloggers receiving packages with an Olympic-themed poster and a clue pointing them to The site presented a dramatic trailer, replete with sci-fi lighting and a narrator with a British-accented baritone speaking over scenes of a woman waking up in a field with “Trovu la ringon perditan” — an Esperanto phrase — tattooed on her arm.

The Lost Ring is part of a gaming genre called alternate-reality games that blend online and offline clues and rely on players collaborating to solve the puzzles.


  1. Unknown said...

    Thats something new.

    I should try it.  


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