Lilypads: Floating Ecocities

A floating city!! This was a solution the Dutch builders thought of to counteract the rising sea levels. These eco-pads cand hold up to 50,000 people and is designed as a zero-emission floating home that uses solar, wind, tidal and biomass power to generate energy for its inhabitants. As of the moment, it is a fantasy... but in the future, builders may take on mega structures like these to deal with the rising sea levels.

Reference: Eton, K. (2008) Architect Dreams Up Lilypad: Floating City Ark for Eco-Refugees.


  1. Anonymous said...

    its relly cool ,its asuper plan to save ourselves from raising sea levels.nice one !!!!  

  2. chel said...
  3. Zeee said...

    wow! this is a nice find! I wonder how much it would cost to live there....

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  4. Joro Livelihood said...

    Just to say hello and dropping by,  

  5. blanne said...

    wow. amazing ha. im sure not all people will have the opportunity to live there. maybe you have to spend a great sum of money? idk..

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